Monday, January 27, 2014

Be My Valentine

The past couple of days have been rough for my baby boy. He seems uncomfortable, has gas, and seems to have colic. None of us (including Tank have had much sleep. I also had a mini break down because I felt helpless. But in between all the chaos, I found the opportunity (when he wasn't crying) to try on his little Valentine's Day outfit I bought him last week. I am a hopeless romantic and always set the highest standards for the holiday in the past. Now as an adult I realized to take it down a notch.

My little man is such a heart breaker already. He just melts my heart. (No girl is ever going to be good enough haha) I just LOVE him so much, I never thought it would be possible to love someone to the degree I love my son. So of course when I found this onesie I couldn't say no. I hope he knows that he is going to be mommy's valentine until he's 18.

onesie and pants both from Old Navy *not on website similar styles here
I can't believe my little man is already holding himself up! It may only be for a couple of seconds at a time but it's still amazing!
I am so excited to show him off in his little outfit. If he still fits in it! He's growing so fast!!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

One Month & Two Month Updates

I cannot believe how quickly two months went by! We are all still adjusting and learning. I am in awe of how fast he is growing and the new things he does everyday. Sometimes I just want the moments, days, weeks, months to go by just a little slower. I am just loving every moment with this little guy, I can't get enough!! Here are some "milestones" from the past two months. I will also be doing a separate post soon on our favorite products that have helped us through these past two months.

 The first month was all about us getting to know each other. There were a lot of sleepless nights for sure. I was breast feeding in the beginning but stopped because I wasn't eating enough to supply him with enough food. Also, since he was a month early we were also having to give him formula to make sure he was getting fed. It was tough but I want to start up again soon while I still am able to pump. Every day was special. He was here just in time for the Holidays. You never really know how much work having a newborn is until you are actually taking care of your child 24/7. It has been such an adventure and I cannot wait for all the "firsts" Easton is going to have. He had his first laugh at two weeks! I know he didn't know he was doing it, but it was amazing! He also had very good head support from day one, I was very surprised how long he was able to hold his head on his own. We had our moments when we had no sleep, baby wouldn't stop crying, and we just didn't know what to do- and we got through it. I am ready for anything.
Easton's little personality is starting to show. His eyes show so much curiosity and wonder. He knows my voice and is so excited when he hears me talk to him. I also can't believe how quickly he got chubby! He just grew overnight it seemed like. My baby is already growing! I'm not ready for this. They really do grow up fast. This past month has been a little rough. His colic has been getting worse. He has tummy problems- we have had to change formulas twice and we are also trying to change bottle brands to see if we can help him not be as bloated, uncomfortable, and gassy. I will hopefully do a post soon on what helps us through this and what doesn't. He can hold his head up for a lot longer and actually can push up some of his chest as well. I had him on his tummy time mat one afternoon, and he was really fussy and pushed himself up so hard he rolled over, I of course freaked out that I didn't catch it on camera. He did do it one other time that I was able to get on camera. I didn't think He would be able to roll over so soon. He is starting to make more noises than just crying. He seems to be finding his voice. It's adorable when random little noises come out of his mouth, it makes me smile. I am excited to see what is in store for month three, and to be able to share my love of my son.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Newborn/Mommy Blues

This weekend, Easton turned 8 weeks old. I still cannot believe how quickly 8 weeks have already went by. He has already grown so much and has such a personality. I am so in love.
We both were on a pretty set schedule, every 3 hours he would wake, change diaper, feed, and then sleep. Now that he is getting older he is staying up longer in between naps and feedings. Along with staying up longer during the day, it is getting hard to tell why he is crying. I had all of his crying noises down pretty good being able to tell when he needed a diaper change, when he was hungry, and when he was sleepy. But now he's been unpredictable and throwing mommy for a loop.
Yes, there have been times when I was completely overwhelmed and his crying made me freak out and cry myself, until I finally calm down a bit (or call my mother) and sometimes it's something as simple as just laying him on his stomach and he would stop crying.

I have noticed that my mood has changed and I could get very sad especially when I'm in the house everyday. Taking care of a child is really a fulltime job. Other moms can tell you, and you can read baby books until you are blue in the face, NOTHING is exactly how people tell you it's going to be. Every baby is different, and parenting really is trial and error. My mommy instincts kicked in day one, but when it's your baby and he is screaming crying (lower lip quivering and all) it is hard to think of what you read to do in that situation or what someone told you to do. You just need to go with your gut, and if you're tired. Step back, breathe, and count to 10. (I've done this more times than I can count, it does help me think better) I just keep telling myself that Easton and I are both adjusting and getting used to each other still. He is definitely hitting another growth spurt so he's been hard to handle at times.

Overall, he has been such a perfect baby. He has his days where I want to pull my hair out. He hasn't been very colic at all. (knock on wood) But when he does have a bad day, so do I. I wouldn't say I feel depressed just helpless and sad. I started going for walks around the neighborhood last week with the baby and the dog and it seems to help with my energy level. I am also trying to eat more (I haven't been able to breastfeed lately since I haven't been taking in enough calories to supply him with enough milk for his feedings.) I'm just trying to take it one day at a time. I know I have to go back to work soon, and I need to make sure me and baby are in a good routine. (I don't even what to think about it, I don't want to leave him)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Making 2014 Count

With every New Year, most people try to set goals for themselves to make their lives better in some way or improve their being. If those people are like me, we may give up on that resolution by February. (guilty of this many times) However, this year (being a new mom and all) I am going to not set the bar so high and achieve what I can. Take a step back, relax, and enjoy what is in store for me this year. I want to make 2014 count!

My resolutions for 2014 are simple. First and foremost, to be a great parent to my first child. Easton has changed my life in such a short amount of time, it actually blows my mind. I keep thinking that I need to be doing something productive with my time when I am not changing diapers, feeding, or trying to stay calm when he won't stop crying. I am learning to take it easy. I am always going 95 mph with everything I do, I just want to enjoy this time with my son. He is adjusting to living in this big world and I am adjusting to him not being in my tummy anymore. Second, I want to focus on my blog. Now that I have some extra time with not working, I want to really sit down and think about the direction I want to take this blog and hopefully along the way gain more faithful followers. I originally started this blog as a way for me to document my pregnancy, now I want to see what this blog could shape and mold into. Lastly, I want to focus on my health and body. I haven't really being focusing on myself since the baby came home. But once we are all more comfortable, I really want to start diving into losing the body weight and get myself into shape. It's not for vanity but to be the healthiest person I can be for my son.

I am going to create in 2014; create memories with my son and husband, create a successful future in my career, and create ways to make my life simple, as easy as it can be now that I have the craziness of taking care of a child.

I want to enjoy this next year as much as I can, to stop and take it all in, and to enjoy my life and my family. Here's to a great 2014!