Well, here it is! My first picture of our Little Baby Brey!
I didn't want to share this picture (since I look so exhausted) but I had to since I'm so excited. We went to the first ultrasound today which was to take all the baby's measurements to test for any syndromes and to find out exactly how far along I am. I won't have the results until next week, I hope that everything comes back healthy.
The best moment during the ultrasound was when the technician had to have me move around a bit to get the baby to move so she could get a better picture and once I laid back down, we watch the screen and the baby was active! Doing flips and raising his/her arms, and the head was already so big and developed. Seeing the fast flutter of the heart beat made all so real. It was amazing to see life just growing inside of you.
Stay tuned for more updates (and better pictures of me :/ ...and the baby)