Saturday, May 4, 2013

First Trimester Blues

I have been having the worse past couple of days this week. I can barely eat or even think about eating without becoming completely nauseous. Sometimes water even makes me feel gross. I'm actually nauseous 24/7 when I think of it. My doctor gave me a prescription to try to help, but even with it I still feel like if I eat I would get sick.

Everyone keeps telling me that it will go away once I hit my second trimester, and I am praying that it's true. I'm so uncomfortable at work and at home. I hate this constant sick feeling.

I've been trying to research tips to help the sick feeling to go away, but it seems no one can really give a good answer.
I do go on frequently, since I find that they have really good tips for anything pregnancy, and I found a Q&A about morning sickness here. These are just basic little tips that even my doctor told me about. I just wish there was more I could do to prevent this feeling.

I just need to keep up with drinking lots of fluids and hope that this doesn't last my whole pregnancy.

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