I had my doctor's appointment this week and everything is looking great. When my doctor was trying to listen to the baby's heartbeat, it was difficult at first because every time he got it, the baby would move around. It got to the point where my doctor started laughing because he couldn't believe how much the baby was moving around already. It's so unreal to me because I still haven't be able to feel it. When he finally did get it, the baby's heartbeat was strong. We scheduled my next ultrasound for NEXT WEEK to find out if Baby Brey is a boy or girl!! We are so excited! I can't wait to find out! (and it will make it easier to finish up my baby registry hehe) So start placing your bets, I mean the odds are 50/50.. ;)
I did the Chinese Gender Calendar on thebump.com and my result is pictured below. I am not putting my faith all in this, but I also had dreams two nights in a row that I was having a boy. Either way, I will be happy, but I'm placing my bets on BOY.
Fun Facts about Baby at 17 Weeks
Baby is the size of an onion
The rubbery cartilage is turning into bone
Baby is growing some meat on those bones
The umbilical cord is getting stronger and thicker
Not So Fun Facts about Mommy at 17 Weeks
Sleeping during the night is hard because of weird dreams
Also, I am sweating a lot more
VERY itchy boobs and bump as my skin is stretching thinner
Gaining weight quickier
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