Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Workout Wednesday: Lose the baby weight!

I have to say I was very surprised how quickly the weight came off right after I had Easton. Even though I felt like a lot of it had to do with not sleeping and/or eating very little at first. However, these last couple (not really a couple, more like 15lbs) of pounds seem to be a little harder to shake off. Not going to lie, I haven't done much exercising since I had this little guy, but I feel like I am lifting weights now every time I pick him up. I am well aware that it is going to take time shed these last pounds, but I am just getting a little annoyed that none of my clothes fit (still!). I still don't feel that comfortable telling how much weight I gained total during my pregnancy, all I will say is that it was A LOT. It was a little more than what my doctor felt comfortable with me gaining, however I was very healthy throughout my pregnancy.  So now that I am 6 months postpartum, I really want to try to get myself back in shape.

Most mommies might say that they don't have the time to get a work out in, and I feel like that shouldn't be the reason why I don't work out. I'm sure I can find the time somewhere, somehow. Easton is sleeping better through the night (fingers crossed) so aiming to have a good night sleep and work out early in the mornings before he wakes up or after his morning bottle. Now all I need to do is find a workout that works for me!!

I am addicted to Pinterest, so I started there. There are a lot of pins on postpartum work outs and getting fit after baby. I'm trying to weed out the ones that are actually "healthy" workouts and not the ones that are just a quick fix and tough on your body. I've found that there are a lot of quick exercises that involve you hold your baby. They are better than buying weights! haha It is a workout in itself to get Easton to and from the car in his carseat and carrying him around. He is now at the stage where he wants to try to stand and when I hold him up he bounces up and down; my arms should be tone in no time! I am still trying to find what is best for me, but until I find that perfect routine, I'm going to start off with this.

I can't wait to get back to my pre-baby body! and to be healthy of course! Each week I am going to be posting about workouts I have found and ones that I may create on my own, along with healthy eating tips. Super excited even though I know I won't get passed the 40 crunches!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Mommy Monday: Organic Products

I hope that everyone enjoyed that nice three-day weekend. I spent my weekend taking care of Tank because on Friday night I accidentally spilt boiling water on him since he got under my feet when I was trying to dump the water into the sink. Poor guy is doing ok, only first degree burns, but he is not happy with mommy. We go tomorrow to take his bandage off. Hoping that he is all healed. I am happy that I did get to at least lay out in the sun for 45 mins while Easton was sleeping even though I would have loved to be at the beach. (sigh).

I wanted to start a new blog series called "Mommy Mondays" where I talk about all things mommy related, including products that I'm loving, articles that I have come across that seemed interesting, and pretty much anything that can help us mommies. Anyway I realize today is Tuesday but who wants to "work" on a holiday. (not me!)

I have been taking a lot of thought in the household products that I use while cleaning the apartment, cleaning Easton's toys, and even Tank's things. I honestly never thought about it before I just would buy the products that I knew worked best, especially since I am guilty of letting things go until they are really dirty. Does this sound like you too? Well, I have been trying my best now, even more so since Easton is starting to move around and I am facing the hard reality that my son is going to be crawling soon, to find products that are safe to use around him. I am one of those people who always say that I am going to go organic and never do. I actually am going to do it this time. I have become that mother who freaks out at everything that goes into Easton's mouth. I know that it's clean but is it safe for him? So I started reaching and I found a couple of brands that I am going to try out. Right now these are finding that I made on my own through research and within the next couple of weeks plan on trying and will post about my favorites and what I will decide to continually use.

First, I found Babyganics. They are two friends who started the company together and listened to other parents, along with their wives to make the baby-safe products that they now have today. All their products are non-toxic, fragrance free, and alcohol free. I actually already started using the toy & highchair cleaner and actually really like it. I want to start using household cleaning products that they have also and they have everything. From hand soap to laundry detergent, to diapers and teething pods. I love the fact that everything is non-toxic so that means if Easton puts something in his mouth that I just cleaned, I know it's safe.

The next brand I found was Earth's Best Organic. I actually came across this company when Easton started rice cereal. This was the one that we tried out first and he LOVED it. He actually would grab for the bowl to try to eat what was left in it. (too cute!) So I decided to look into this company a little more see what they were al about and wanted to see what other products that they offered. Since I was already thinking about going organic once Easton started baby foods (which is very soon), I thought why not see what they have to offer. I was also thinking about making my own baby food, but that will be a separate post :) I am going to start giving him the stage one foods, which are single ingredient puree foods, my pediatrician told us to start off with green veggies, so that's what we are going to do. yay mushy peas! (yuck) They also carry natural baby body care products, chlorine free diapers and wipes, and an all natural nursery cleaner.

I could not finish this search/post without picking The Honest Company as one of my choices. This is the company that Jessica Alba founded and all about eco-friendly products. All the products they offer are all natural and good for the environment (and home and of course baby!).  What I think is pretty awesome that they have "Bundles" for Diapers and Wipes, Essentials (household), and Health & Wellness. These are items that you pay a monthly price and you receive the most items for your buck. They also offer FREE trials for each bundle, so you can pick which ones you want to try out and see what this company is all about. I of course am going to try both the Diapers & Wipes and Essentials bundles and am very excited. They have a very wide variety of products and I think that's why they are going to be at the top of my list!  I also think that the designs on the diapers are just the best! Finally "fashionable" diapers! (don't get me wrong I just love seeing the characters of Sesame Street on every diaper..hehe) You know I'm just so excited for those to come in!!

I hope that in the next few weeks I can write a post about who wins my little quest for picking the best organic, all natural products for my home.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy Memorial Day!

I'm hoping that everyone is enjoying their weekend and the kick off to Summer 2014! We are having a relaxing weekend with Easton and Tank. Let's remember the real reason why we have a three-day weekend. It's for all of those who have sacrificed their lives to keep us free. I want to thank all military, those who have died whom we remember today, and the ones who continue to give their lives for us. THANK YOU!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

I'm back...

I can't believe that 3 months have flown by. I also can't believe that I haven't made a post since I went back to work. These past 3 months have definitely been tough, going back to work, Easton starting daycare, my husband starting a new job; it has been a fully packed life and filled with chaos. I promised myself that I would focus more on my blog in the beginning of the year, as I stated here back in January. I am trying to stick to it and fit my blog back into this crazy schedule. So let me get you back up to speed with my life....

Easton is SIX months old! SIX! I cannot believe how fast it went! I just remember bringing him home from the hospital that first night and how scared I was. Now, we have our routine, and I just love how he is growing and doing something new everyday. I promise to post about the past couple of months and all of his favorites that have made the these past months easier. We also celebrated his first St. Patty's Day and first Easter and celebrating many other first's this year!
Easton started daycare. I was terrified of this and didn't want him starting so early just because he is so little and my baby boy. I didn't want anyone else taking care of my boy but me. However, the reality is that my husband and I both need to work right now and daycare was our only option since our families are both on the East coast. The only cons so far have been that he has been sick on and off ever since he started daycare. He finally is feeling better, so crossing fingers that he is past getting sick for now.

Working full time and then taking care of baby from the moment I walk in the door until he goes to bed has been a hard adjustment. I give all mommies who work in the fashion industry A LOT of credit because it is anything but easy. Some days have being stressed out all day at work it's hard to put on my happy face for Easton, but somehow his smile just makes everything so much better. Life has been pretty hectic and I think I'm still getting back in the flow of work (didn't think that being away for 3 months would make such a difference).
I'm pretty excited about starting to blog again! I will be having reoccurring posts that will happen weekly and some just monthly. I am really going to try my best to stick to this goal between going to work, taking care of Easton, and running the household. (No one ever said being a mom is easy)
I can't wait to start sharing my life again with all of you! Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!