Monday, January 20, 2014

Newborn/Mommy Blues

This weekend, Easton turned 8 weeks old. I still cannot believe how quickly 8 weeks have already went by. He has already grown so much and has such a personality. I am so in love.
We both were on a pretty set schedule, every 3 hours he would wake, change diaper, feed, and then sleep. Now that he is getting older he is staying up longer in between naps and feedings. Along with staying up longer during the day, it is getting hard to tell why he is crying. I had all of his crying noises down pretty good being able to tell when he needed a diaper change, when he was hungry, and when he was sleepy. But now he's been unpredictable and throwing mommy for a loop.
Yes, there have been times when I was completely overwhelmed and his crying made me freak out and cry myself, until I finally calm down a bit (or call my mother) and sometimes it's something as simple as just laying him on his stomach and he would stop crying.

I have noticed that my mood has changed and I could get very sad especially when I'm in the house everyday. Taking care of a child is really a fulltime job. Other moms can tell you, and you can read baby books until you are blue in the face, NOTHING is exactly how people tell you it's going to be. Every baby is different, and parenting really is trial and error. My mommy instincts kicked in day one, but when it's your baby and he is screaming crying (lower lip quivering and all) it is hard to think of what you read to do in that situation or what someone told you to do. You just need to go with your gut, and if you're tired. Step back, breathe, and count to 10. (I've done this more times than I can count, it does help me think better) I just keep telling myself that Easton and I are both adjusting and getting used to each other still. He is definitely hitting another growth spurt so he's been hard to handle at times.

Overall, he has been such a perfect baby. He has his days where I want to pull my hair out. He hasn't been very colic at all. (knock on wood) But when he does have a bad day, so do I. I wouldn't say I feel depressed just helpless and sad. I started going for walks around the neighborhood last week with the baby and the dog and it seems to help with my energy level. I am also trying to eat more (I haven't been able to breastfeed lately since I haven't been taking in enough calories to supply him with enough milk for his feedings.) I'm just trying to take it one day at a time. I know I have to go back to work soon, and I need to make sure me and baby are in a good routine. (I don't even what to think about it, I don't want to leave him)

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