Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Nursery Planning

This whole planning the baby's nursery has been really stressing me out lately, especially since we are currently living in a one bedroom apartment. Now that I've hit my half way mark, (20 weeks preggo today to be exact) I really want to make sure we get done as much as we can before I get to big to move or want to do anything. Since we need to fit our newest member of the family into our room for the time being, we are definitely going to have to rearrange the way our room is set up.

All I have to say is, Thank God for Pinterest! I don't know what we used to do without it! It definitely helps me plan out my own ideas as well as finding new ideas from other people. I have started planning out my ideas for how I want the baby's section of the room to be. You can see some more of what I found on my Baby Nursery Ideas Pinterest page.

I found that I have a reoccurring theme going.

1. I love the color theme of aqua, grey, and white (with maybe hints of green)
photo via be lovely

2. Having a changing pad on top of baby's dresser and some sort of wall art over it
photo found on pinterest

3. I am just a little OBSESSED with chevron 
photo via chic & cheap nursery

I can't wait until I get started and get all of the baby's stuff set up! (and to also figure out how to get everything to fit)

Monday, July 29, 2013

19 Weeks

I cannot believe that I am already half way through this pregnancy! I feel like it was yesterday that I found out that I was even going to have a baby. The time really does fly and I feel like I got barely anything ready for baby boy. We did start our registry (will make a post about this later) and figuring out what we will really need since our apartment is small and now trying to fit a third human in there is just stressful enough. I know it will all work out, just need to breathe!
I have my next doctor's apointment next week and we will be going over the ultrasound from two weeks ago. I will also be discussing our plans for future and searching for a pediatrician. I'm not going to lie, I just want to hear my little man's heartbeat again! It's the greatest feeling ever.
As for my body, I haven't been feeling the greatest lately. It's hard sleeping at night and it's getting harder to do my usual routine around the apartment. (like washing dishes, how is this getting difficult?!) I can feel my stomach growing now and it is cramping up a bit. (I should be feeling the little one moving around soon) I'm just trying to take it easy and not over do it with cleaning around the apartment or over do it at work.

Here's to another week down! xo

Fun Facts About Baby at 19 Weeks
Baby boy is the size of a mango (and growing!)
He is working on his five senses. Nerve cells for his senses are developing in his brain.

Not So Fun Facts About Mommy at 19 Weeks
Aches and pains in my abdomen from my muscles stretching
Leg cramps
Hip Pain. Whether I am sitting, standing, or laying down. (laying on my side with a pillow in between my knees is helping)
Feeling tired after activities that used to not bother me (like taking a walk)

Monday, July 22, 2013

18 Weeks.. It's A ...?!

It's a Boy!!!

Yes, my feeling was right. We are having a little baby boy and we couldn't be more excited! I have to say that sitting in the waiting room before my ultrasound appointment felt like a lifetime. I just wanted to know if my little baby Brey was a girl or boy. When the technician asked us if we wanted to know the sex of the baby, I don't know who said yes faster, me or my husband. And believe me our little boy had no shame, he let us know that all his boy parts were there. But besides that our little boy is growing and looks healthy! He's feet our right on my bladder which explains the cramping and frequent bathroom visits. I am just so in awe of my child already I just stare at the ultrasound picture every chance I get. My husband actually high-fived me as we walked out of the doctor's office and said "good job." (thanks i guess? ha)

Fun Facts About Baby at 18 Weeks
Baby is the size of a sweet potato
He is yawning, hiccuping, sucking, and swallowing
He's rolling, twisting, punching, and kicking
He is measuring about 5.6 inches and is growing rapidly

Not so Fun Facts About Mommy at 18 Weeks
Back aches
Swollen feet and hands
Trouble sleeping
Leg cramps
Feeling baby's kicks!!!! :)

Baby Brey's Gender Reveal


PINK OR BLUE?!?!?!?!

BOY OR GIRL?!?!?!?!


IT'S A BOY!!!!



Saturday, July 13, 2013

17 Weeks

I had my doctor's appointment this week and everything is looking great. When my doctor was trying to listen to the baby's heartbeat, it was difficult at first because every time he got it, the baby would move around. It got to the point where my doctor started laughing because he couldn't believe how much the baby was moving around already. It's so unreal to me because I still haven't be able to feel it. When he finally did get it, the baby's heartbeat was strong. We scheduled my next ultrasound for NEXT WEEK to find out if Baby Brey is a boy or girl!! We are so excited! I can't wait to find out! (and it will make it easier to finish up my baby registry hehe) So start placing your bets, I mean the odds are 50/50.. ;)

I did the Chinese Gender Calendar on and my result is pictured below. I am not putting my faith all in this, but I also had dreams two nights in a row that I was having a boy. Either way, I will be happy, but I'm placing my bets on BOY.

Fun Facts about Baby at 17 Weeks
Baby is the size of an onion
The rubbery cartilage is turning into bone
Baby is growing some meat on those bones
The umbilical cord is getting stronger and thicker

Not So Fun Facts about Mommy at 17 Weeks
Sleeping during the night is hard because of weird dreams
Also, I am sweating a lot more
VERY itchy boobs and bump as my skin is stretching thinner
Gaining weight quickier

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Summer To-do List

Since this is my last summer as a childless woman I wanted to make this summer count. I usually always have things that I want to do each summer, but this year I really want to try my best to complete my whole list (even if some of the items are centered around being preggo)

1. Take a weekend trip to San Francisco (maybe a "babymoon")
2. Bring Tank to a doggy park/beach
3. Try preggo yoga
4. Plan how to redesign our bedroom to fit the little one
5. Re-organize all our closets
6. Do some DIY projects
7. Get my etsy shop up and running
8. Take a trip to Mood Fabrics to buy fabrics to make some baby accessories
9. Spend a weekend by the beach
10. Go to different cafes in LA to do Sunday Brunches
11. Visit different museums around LA that I haven't been to

I'm sure there are other things that I have forgotten to add to this list. I can't wait to complete my list and share it with you.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

Today celebrates the birth of our country, the land of the free and the home of the brave. When we are out at BBQ's, pool parties, etc., let's not forget about the men and women who have fought and those who continue to fight for us to keep our freedom. I am sitting here watching the Macy's 4th of July Spectacular, as I write this post, since I was just way to tired to go anywhere. My favorite part about this day is going out by the water and watching all the fireworks and remembering why we celebrate this day in the first place.

Today I was the one who BBQ-ed all the food on our electric grill my mother gave us as a Christmas gift this past year, and I think I've only used it once since we got it. Even though we weren't able to go back home to NY to celebrate with our families or didn't go to any BBQ's out here in Cali, we still had to some BBQ food. It wouldn't be the 4th without it!

After dinner, we went on a family walk with the dog in our neighborhood and walked past a block party that was going on. It just made me more excited about having this baby. It made me think about how we are starting our own family and memories, and I can't wait until we buy a house and continue to make our family grow!

I hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July! xo

Week 15 & 16

This past week and a half has been pretty busy. I have had no time to even sit and relax after work, I was so exhausted. I am very happy for the four day weekend that's for sure. I can't believe that I have hit 16 weeks today! My bump is definitely growing and showing more. My skin is definitely stretching, as it is sooo itchy all the time. I have been putting on my coco butter lotion everyday. (No sketch marks for this girl!) I finally don't have morning sickness or nausea 24/7, and I'm feeling a lot better (Thank god I'm out of the first trimester) I weighted myself at home the other night because this past week I've felt A LOT heavier, and it turns out my total weight gain so far is 7lbs (I'm already 150, I've never been 150 lbs... ekkkk! Ohh pregnancy..)

Fun facts about baby at 15 weeks
Baby is the size of an orange
I can't feel it yet, but baby is squirming a lot in my belly
Baby's joints and limbs can all move now
Baby might even get the hiccups

Not so fun facts about mommy at 15 weeks
Heartburn! after every meal
Feeling frisky for the first time in months

Fun facts about baby at 16 weeks
Baby is the size of an avocado
Tiny bones are forming in baby's ears, so (he or she) can start hearing my voice
Baby is forming taste buds
Baby is growing hair, lashes, and eyebrows

(Not so) Fun facts about mommy at 16 weeks
Back aches! all the time! (Especially after working all day)
Bigger boobs (hey now!)
Forgetfulness (Preggo brain)
Will start feeling baby move :)